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The shocking publication of journalist Galina Mursalieva in Novaya Gazeta (on May 16, 2016) about “death groups” on social networks and related series of teenage suicides received a huge resonance. It caused a wave of panic among parents, but at the same time official checks and private investigations that helped save dozens of children.

The new data that Galina Mursalieva appeared after the release of the article allowed her to describe the principles of the work of destructive sects in more

detail. “Summing up everything that is now known, it is safe to say that the“ death group ”is a large, well -thought -out and generously financed project,” the author concludes. In front of these groups, adolescents in an unstable mental state are especially defenseless. Parents should be extremely attentive to them and, in case of the slightest suspicion, seek support for specialists.

AST, 320 s.

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