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Some of us perceive our 40th anniversary as the beginning of the end. Afraid of the future, hold on to an unloved workplace, begin to actively criticize the “youth”. This usually happens when a person refuses to learn from his own experience. What lessons can we learn from our past?

1.You will constantly think about what people will say – you will not achieve anything

Afraid of assessment and condemnation normally. It is abnormal to allow this feeling to completely take possession of you, and, blushing for the already done, take away the next step. One of the most important lessons that can be obtained by this age: the best answer to other people’s reproaches

Comme officiellement apporté au Japon est interdit, ils sont masqués (pas très convaincants) dans des institutions publiques. Par exemple, certains d’entre eux fonctionnent comme des bains publics. Rien de nouveau, mais il convient de noter ici que les pilule erection en pharmacie sont généralement assez calmement liés aux procédures de bain conjointe et non toujours qu’ils portent un sous-texte sexuel. Par exemple, toute la famille peut prendre une salle de bain ensemble ou réchauffer en une fourrure.

, comments and criticism is silence. Most claims are not worth your attention.

2.“Then” there will be no lot of time to enjoy life

We really realize that our age is short only when we understand that youth has passed. When we are slightly over 20, we are sure that we have a whole life ahead – and it is enough to find ourselves, and to build a healthy relationship. Alas, time works against us.

Do not postpone your life and changes in it until the mythical moment when you are finally ready – most likely, such a moment will never come. Take a step towards a dream, at least tiny, but every day.

3.No matter how much the employer pays you – financial freedom is another

Growing up is inextricably linked with the need to pay in bills, so the monetary issue is disturbed by the majority. As a result, many hold on to unloved work, only so as not to lose the source of income. They understand that they are unlikely to find another such place.

There is only one way out – to improve and look for the alternative capabilities of earnings that will allow you not to worry about the bankruptcy of the company or deprivation of a premium.

4.It is important to be friends with people of different ages

Friends younger than you will help to maintain a sense of optimism and faith that everything is possible, and older comrades can learn everyday wisdom.

5.Relations are similar to Free potatoes

If it is hot and tasty, we eagerly pounce on it, and if not, then we still continue to sluggle it sluggishly, without setting back the plate to the side, because this is Free potatoes! The same with the relationship: both friendly and romantic. We tend to “chew” for years that it is time to spit out and save what is not subject to salvation, especially if there are no better options on the horizon.

What to do? Learn to enjoy loneliness so that it is associated not with a sense of fear, but with sincere pleasure, and to abandon love and friendly ties that make you suffer.

6.”Errors of irrevocable costs” lead to serious consequences

Errors of irrevocable costs are mental distortion, because of which, when making decisions, we often take into account irreparable losses. It forces us to believe that we should not leave work or get divorced only because we have already invested in labor or relations a lot of time and effort.

Yes, no one will return the training costs to us. But, without leaving the unloved work, we continue to spend years of our life on it, and even suffer. If you caught myself on such behavior, ask yourself: “And if I had not invested at this time, money and strength, I would continue now?”If you answered negatively, then without regret move on.

7.Consider that you will be happy, “as soon as …” is the right path to misfortune

We are used to believe that happiness should be due to something. Allegedly, we will definitely feel better, “as soon as”, “if” and “provided that” we will achieve a certain goal – we will get an increase, we will earn more, buy a dream car, we will meet the very same. But if the process of movement towards the goal does not make you happy, it is likely that in the destination, your joy will be short -lived.

What conclusion can be drawn? It’s time to stop being afraid of your own mistakes and begin to take into account the experience of those who walked in front of you.